(CNN Español) – Joe Rogan, descrito en sus redes sociales Come on a comedian stand-up, share las art marciales and aventure psicodico, is one of the presenters ‘podcasts’ most influential and most important pagados in the mundo, and one of the most controversial, in the best of our favorites, the best vacuum in 19’s songs. no solo con la commonidad centifica, sino que han generado el rechazo de artistsas.
El amplio currículum de Rogan, who owns the taekwondo on the femme game, or all of our afamado podcasts, which you can count with variations of the special comic “Joe Rogan: Triggered” for Netflix, credits and algorithms on the “home of the hockey fan”? “Fear Factor” on NBC and commentator for UFC, solo mentions of your projects. Sin embargo, es el podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience“el que ha puesto a rogan en varios titularas.
The program maneja is a format of entries with different types of invitations Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla y SpaceX; Edward Snodwen, the CIA’s filtrós secret secrets of intelligence in 2013, and the mismo senador of Vermont, Bernie Sanders.
“The Joe Rogan Experience” is the most popular podcast on Spotify’s New Mundial in 2021, Variety. In 2020, the program is convincing in an exclusive Spotify Cuondo Rogan firm with a licensed exclusive variation of streaming services with streaming streams, which cree tineye a valued at US $ 100 millones, segn. The Wall Street Journal.
Pero Rogan also converts into a personally extreme controlling transcendent information about so vacuums and covid-19.
Rogan and pandemia in your post
Rogan, who is now vacation contra or covid-19, is explicitly privileged to be the most personal and private vacunar vacancy.
Hecho, on abril 2021, Rogan les dijo a los oyentes que si un joven de 21 auos preguntaba si deberín vacunarse, sul sugerií que no lo hikieran. “Si ere a person sana y haces ejercicio todo el timempo, eres joven y comes bien, no crew debas preocuparte por esto”, dijo Rogan.
Ms Tarde aclaró your comments, dicindondo que “no es a person anti-vax “ and that “there is no such thing as an informative respite, you’re worth it to me”.
On September, the presentation of the podcast dio positivo por covid-19. In the beginning, you’ll be looking for a place to visit on vacation in the positivo, rogan dijo que no, and indicate super super virus “bastante rapid”.
In my después, the corresponding musical music on CNN, the Dr. Sanjay Gupta, se sentó por tres horas con Rogan To hablare about pandemia, las vacunas, las therapies potenciales and el riesgo which represent the coronavirus for los nios and jvenes, enter muchos otros themes.
Durante la conversación entre Gupta y Rogan, cuyas opinions a manudo se confrontaron, el presentador estuvo acuerdo en que kiertas personas que vulnerables als virus vacunarse contra el covid-19, particularly las people obess or people like mayors.
Community centrifugal contra Rogan

Spotify the music of Neil Young’s music in any quiz on streaming debito or freeze-breaking songs of Rogan sobri’s covid-19 and vacunas.
The principals of enero 2022, a group of 250 psychics, medics and enformers escriberion a carta abierta a Spotify pididendo a Spotify that adveerta your sus oientes sobre la desinformación. This is an exciting episode of the episode that will take you to Dr. Rober Malone quotes “criticizing promo of conspiracy theories fundamentally”, in this cart.
“Al permit the proliferation of firearms and databases for societal, Spotify permits to perceive the configuration of the algorithms in the biblical configuration and the sophomore database as the site’s of the most sensitive database. .
Un mes después de la cartilaiiii esta carta, el artista Neil Young, which is a defender of las medisas prevención frev all al covid-19, dizo que no quería que ho music share hogar con la Informative error about vacations.
An ahora post eliminated on your site web, Young pidii a sus gerentes and cello discogrifico that eliminates your music on Spotify porque dijo que on the platform music podcasts This is “update informative falsa sos las vacunas, lo que podrí causar la muerte a quine crean en est desinformación disseminate for ellos”. (Rolling Stone report originally about the text of the publication).
Spotify or transmit music to Neil Young, a peticien del artista.
Un portavoz de la Compañía de Technología, dijo a The Washington Post in a communicado: “Queremos is the music of the music and all the contents of the audio of Spotify available on Ezone’s.
“Tenemos’ contents of contents and hemos eliminates over 20,000 episodes of podcast relay with covid-19 in the pandemonium. Lamentamos is the de-Neven ret su bi bi bi bi bi es bi bi bi pr”
In the debate I met Apple Music, which apanas a dípu des de que Spotify ace retiro la music neil Young de su servicio, “troleó” your rival music por streaming trantando al musico como estrella.
En un tuit enviado the ultimate hora del jueves, and posterior fijado in my part superior of the official account of Apple Music on Twitter, Apple all over the platform “el hogar de Neil Young”. Algunos uses Apple Music to inform you about the list of albums and replicas of Young promo ads on primer plano in the “exploreci “n” of Apple Music with “We Love Neil” (“Amamos a Neil”).
Dakin Andone and Kerry Flynn de CNN collaborator on this report.