MIAMI (CBSMiami) – As the COVID-19 infection rate continues to decline in Miami-Dade, the Archdiocese of Miami has updated its policy on who has to wear masks in its schools.
As of Friday, January 29th, masks will be optional indoors for fully vaccinated students and staff in grades 6-12. They will also be optional for students with parental consent to opt out on file and students whose parents wish to consent to opt out once the form has been filed.
Masks will be required in classrooms for fully vaccinated faculty and staff of grades pre-K – 5. Masks will be optional if no child grade 5 or lower is present.
Masks are also required for all others, students and adults not fully vaccinated. Masks are also required for vendors, visitors, and volunteers.
The archdiocese continues to encourage mask use for everyone when indoors and supports the recent recommendation of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tu use KN95 or N95 masks when available. A limited number of free N95 masks are provided by the federal government and are now available at pharmacies and other sites.