MIAMI (CBSMiami/CNN) – Frank Ruggeri is like many of his fellow senior classmates at Bayside High School in Palm Bay – he’s a big NFL fan.
But Frank, unlike his peers, has taken up a cause for a big change within the NFL at its crown jewel, the Super Bowl.
“We were sitting at the table debating over spaghetti dinner, and wow, why can’t it just be on Saturday?” Frank explained when it all started.
He converted that debate into a cause.
“Because 17.2 million people miss work and less productivity,” Ruggeri said about why he thought it’d be better on Saturday as opposed to Sunday.
More than people skipping work the next day, he said, it’s also for families with kids who have school on Monday.
Frank started a petition on two years ago.
His movement garnered attention right away.
“I was excited. I felt like I had just won the Super Bowl. I was that excited,” Ruggeri said.
His movement just reached a major benchmark.
Over 100,000 people have signed on.
He expects to speak with the NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell himself.
“Place it on the NFL’s desk. Talk it over with Roger Goodell. And make a plan,” Ruggeri said.
Frank made two predictions for next year’s Super Bowl: it’ll be on Saturday, of course, and his beloved Rams will win.
(©2022 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company, contributed to this report.)