The latest Miami Marlins coverage to get you through the lockout blues.
- The 2022 Caribbean Series begins this morning in the Dominican Republic. You may be interested in how many players with Marlins connections are involved.
- Special day/time for the next Marlins Jeopardy edition of Fish Stripes LIVE: Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. ET. Submit trivia questions for a chance to have them featured on the show!
- Pablo López was in attendance for the Florida Panthers’ 30th win of the season.
- Daniel Castano is developing a new pitch for 2022.
- Isaac Azout’s appearance on the Locked On Marlins podcast covers Kyle Schwarber speculation, Avisaíl García expectations, the current makeup of the Marlins bullpen and more.
- Robert Murray of FanSided reports that “immediately after Avisaíl García signed a four-year, $53 million deal with the Miami Marlins, I had multiple team executives say that it was the worst deal of the offseason,” citing concerns about his lack of competitiveness rather than his skill set. The bar for García to clear to justify this contract is not especially high—it’ll be money well spent if he provides league-average starter production and good durability.
- Sean Mellerick of Call to the Pen writes that the Marlins’ remaining offseason activity should depend on what the postseason format looks like under the new collective bargaining agreement.
- Man on 2nd’s Joe Frisaro discusses the Hall of Fame ballot from the perspective of a BBWAA member.
- There is an open audition this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at LoanDepot Park for those interested in joining the Marlins Mermaids dance team.
- A fundraiser has been established to assist former Florida infielder Bret Barberie with his bills following a motorcycle accident. There have been 126 individual donors as of early Thursday afternoon.